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Boys to Men Mentoring Program

Boys to Men Community Mentoring
The Need for mentoring: 
adult-male-mentoring-boyIn the U.S. today, there are 24 million children living in single parent homes representing 34% of the youth in our country. There are 2.7 million children with a parent in prison.  These children are more likely to drop out of school, utilize drugs and/ or alcohol, enter into gang activity or find themselves in prison or dead by the age of 21. Through inadequate or no role modeling, these children are destined to repeat the errors of the people within their environment. All boys desperately need a positive role model to help them grow into manhood and to become productive adults. Due to single mothers working long hours trying to meet the financial responsibilities of the family, a high percentage of young boys raised by these mothers are being raised by the inner city streets of their neighborhoods. These young men need positive male role models to help them make better choices and to give them ideas to help them set goals for their lives. Mentors help young men and women develop quality characteristics to help them maneuver through the mainstream of society.

The Solution:
A mentor from the community meeting with these boys in a one-on-one or group relationship can and will make a difference in the life of that child. As their friendship grows the mentor and protégé will learn about each other and learn to trust one another. They will begin to talk about life and the future. They will in time talk about deeper inner feelings and spiritual things and give that mentor the opportunity to discuss options and goals to help better the life of the mentee.

Individual young boys need different forms of expression in order to fully discover themselves. Boys to Men mentoring provides a variety of activities that help them explore which form will awaken the imagination inside of them. These are constantly developing, but some of the main activities include: Sports, Camps, Workshops, Poetry, Spoken word, Role Play, Young voices in action, Peer Mentoring/Tutoring, Job Apprenticeship, Internships, Trade school, and College tours. These activities and events happen at different stages in the program as the mentee matures. This process will take months of individual and group sessions to be successful and is on a volunteer basis.

Boys to Men Mentoring will follow the youth through each stage of the program from the beginning to the end to ensure the success of each individual.

Our mission is to save as many lives as we can through a team effort of family, church, and community development. There is an old saying it takes a village to raise a child. This is so true because we all have a responsibility to the future of our youth.